Clinical Results


At One Ashford Hospital we are committed to making sure you receive the best possible care.  We measure a number of areas to make sure you receive the best treatment in a safe and comfortable environment, such as serious events, readmission rates and patient satisfaction.  We are pleased to report the following results for January 2024 – March 2024.

Number of Serious Incidents or ‘Never Events’


Patient Falls 


Deep Surgical Site Infections


Pressure Sore Development 


Readmissions within 28 days post-surgery 


MRSA cases 


Clostridium difficile (C. diff) cases


Hospital Acquired Infections


Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) case


Patients said they would recommend One Ashford Hospital to friends and family*

98.5% (inpatients)


*Patient feedback data relates January 2024 – March 2024

Care Quality Commission (CQC) Rating

One Ashford Hospital is registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC), the independent regulator for the safety and quality of care.  The CQC monitor our performance and their report, which followed their inspection in June 2017, rated the hospital as Good overall and Good in all five main assessment criteria, which judged it to be safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led.


The regulator’s report highlighted particular examples of good practice, such as how staff helped create the hospital’s values and staff were engaged with the vision and values, and incorporated the values into their day-to-day work.


The CQC report also noted how staff in all departments treated patients with kindness and compassion, and how in outpatients and diagnostic imaging, patients could access care and treatment promptly at a time that suited them.


Are services safe?


“There were reliable systems to prevent and protect patients from healthcare-associated infections. All areas we visited were visibly clean, tidy and uncluttered. Regular audits, such as hand hygiene audits, provided assurances around infection prevention and control practices.”

Are services effective?


“The hospital planned and delivered patient care in line with national guidance and best practice standards. Ongoing audits ensured these standards were maintained.”

Are services caring?


“Throughout our inspection, we saw that staff treated patients with kindness and compassion. Patients spoke positively about the care they received from staff. During our inspection, we saw thank you cards, letters and comment cards from patients who were grateful for the care and treatment they had received.”

Are services responsive?


“Patients could access care and treatment in a timely way and at a convenient time. This included outpatient appointments in the evenings and on Saturdays.  The environment provided was appropriate and patient centred, with comfortable and sufficient seating, toilet and refreshment facilities.”

Are services well-led?


“Hospital staff helped create the hospital’s values. Staff were subsequently engaged with the vision and values, and incorporated the values into their day-to-day work. The hospital had an effective governance structure that proactively reviewed performance, identified areas of risk, and took action to mitigate risks and drive improvement.”



The full CQC report can be found here.