
High Blood Pressure

  High blood pressure, otherwise known as hypertension, is a common condition which affects the body’s arteries. Although common, this condition rarely has noticeable symptoms and in most cases the cause is unknown. Blood pressure is considered to be high when the force of blood pushing against the artery walls is consistently too high meaning…

Heart Valve Disease

  The heart has four valves that all play a different part in keeping blood flowing in the correct direction: Mitral valve Tricuspid valve Pulmonary valve Aortic valve Heart valve disease is when one or more of these valves do not work correctly, meaning that the blood flow through from the heart to the body…

Heart Failure

  The heart’s inability to adequately pump blood throughout the body is known as heart failure. Usually, it occurs as a result of the heart being overly rigid or frail. Congestive heart failure is another name for it for heart failure although it’s less commonly used today. Any age can experience it, but older people…


What is Angina?   Chest pain caused by the inadequate blood supply to the heart’s muscles. Although it usually isn’t life-threatening, it is a symptom that you may be in danger of having a heart attack or stroke.   Causes of Angina   Angina is typically brought on by a narrowing of the arteries that…

Electrocardiogram (ECG)

  What is an electrocardiogram (ECG)?   An electrocardiogram, otherwise known as an ECG, is a common test used to analyse and monitor the heart’s rhythm. It is a quick, safe and non-invasive test and no electricity is put into the body while it’s carried out. Using sensors (electrodes) attached to the skin on the…


An irregular heartbeat is referred to as a heart arrhythmia. When the electrical signals that control how often the heart beats are not working properly, heart rhythm issues (heart arrhythmias) occur. Heart arrhythmias, which may be completely safe, sometimes feel like your heart is speeding or fluttering. However, some heart rhythms can result in unwelcome…

Asthma (Children)

  Asthma is a lung condition in which the airways narrow and swell, encouraging the production of extra mucus which can make breathing slightly difficult. The lungs and airways of a person affected by asthma can become easily inflamed and irritated when exposed to particular triggers, such as inhaling pollen, catching a cold or any…


  Autism is a life-long neurodevelopmental condition which affects the way adults and children interact and communicate with the world around them. It is a spectrum condition and affects people in different ways. There are around 700,000 autistic adults and children in the UK alone, and it has been found that more than 1 in…

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

  Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition that has an impact on how people behave. Individuals with ADHD may appear restless, struggle to focus, and act impulsively. The signs of ADHD are typically identified at a young age and may worsen as a child’s environment changes, such as when they start school. Most…


  Epilepsy is a common condition among adults and children, that affects the brain, and is defined by unprovoked, frequent and recurring seizures.  Some types last for a limited time or gradually improve over time, but for many people, epilepsy can be a life-long condition. Although the prospect of living with epilepsy may feel daunting…