The UroLift® System


The UroLift® System is a minimally invasive procedure for treating an enlarged prostate, or BPH.  It is a straightforward procedure that utilises tiny implants to lift and hold the enlarged prostate tissue out of the way, so it no longer blocks the urethra.  The goal of the UroLift® System is to relieve urinary symptoms so you can you can resume your daily activities.


Who is Suitable for the Procedure?

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is most common in men over the age of 50 as it is normal for the prostate gland to get larger with age; however, this can tighten around the urethra, blocking the flow of urine in the bladder.  For most men, medication is often the first course of treatment, but for those who do not want to take regular medication or undergo invasive surgery, the UroLift® System is a good alternative, particularly for patients who have a relatively small to moderate sized prostate gland.


Causes of BPH

Although the exact cause of BPH is unknown, changes in sex hormones as a man ages can be a contributing factor.  A family history of prostate problems or any abnormalities with your testicles could also heighten your risk of developing BPH.


Symptoms of BPH

Symptoms of BPH generally start off very mild, but they can become more serious if they left untreated.  Common symptoms include:


  • A need to strain when urinating
  • Blood in the urine
  • A sudden urge to urine (urge incontinence)
  • A need to urinate 2-3 times a night (nocturia)
  • Leakage of urine
  • An inability to empty the bladder fully
  • Painful urination


Diagnosing BPH

Your doctor will take a full medical history from you to discuss the symptoms you are experiencing and when they first started.  A rectal examination will then be carried out that will enable the doctor to estimate the size and shape of your prostate. You may be referred for further tests; these include:


  • Prostate biopsy – a small amount of prostate tissue is taken to check for any abnormalities
  • Urinalysis
  • Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test – a blood test to check for prostate cancer
  • Post void residual to test for the amount of urine that is left in your bladder after urination
  • Cystoscopy
  • Urodynamic test – this involves filling your bladder with a liquid, using a catheter to measure the pressure of your bladder during urination
  • Intravenous pyelography urography – a dye is injected into the body and an X-ray or CT scan is performed of the entire urinary system to check for abnormalities


How is the Procedure Performed?

The UroLift® System is a safe and straightforward procedure that involves no cutting, heating or removal of the prostate tissue.  The Urologist will place a permanent implant that holds and lifts the prostate lobes, relieving pressure from the urethra and allowing urine to flow normally.  Through the UroLift, the Urologist will insert a device that has a small needle to place the tiny implants, unblocking the urethra, resulting in improved urine flow.  The UroLift is unique in that it does not destroy any tissue but instead compresses normal tissue.


The procedure is performed under a local anaesthetic so you will be able to go home the same day, although it is recommended that you have someone drive you.


Benefits of the UroLift® System

BPH can have a negative impact on a man’s quality of life, particularly for younger men.  Benefits of the procedure include:


  • Preservation of sexual function
  • Quick recovery time (often as early as 2 weeks), and a return to daily activities compared to more invasive procedures that result in a longer recovery period
  • It generally does not require a catheter or an overnight stay in hospital
  • No need to take regular medication
  • Long lasting results


Risks and Complications

Complications from the UroLift® System are rare, but as with any surgery, they can happen. These include:


  • Pelvic pain
  • Painful urination
  • Blood in the urine
  • Urge incontinence
  • Haematoma
  • Micturition urgency


If you have any concerns, speak to your Urologist before your procedure who will discuss the potential complications with you.


Need Help?

The UroLift® System is available at One Hatfield Hospital in Hertfordshire to all private patients.  We can book you in to see a specialist Urologist for an initial consultation, usually within 48 hours.


We also offer a number of other procedures for urological conditions, including Prostate Resection (TURP), Vasectomy and Benign Scrotal Lump Removal.  


You can use your private medical insurance or pay for your The UroLift® System treatment. We offer competitive, fixed price packages. If you are using your health insurance, please contact your insurer first for approval and let them know you’d like to be treated at One Hatfield Hospital.

Why One Hatfield

  • Modern purpose-built hospital opened in December 2017
  • Fast access to diagnostics including MRI, X-ray and Ultrasound
  • Private, spacious, en-suite rooms
  • Specialist physiotherapy and nursing teams
  • Little or no waiting time
  • ‘Ultra clean air’ theatres
  • Freshly prepared food
  • Calm, dignified experience

Contact us and find out more

If you are based in and around Hertfordshire, St Albans, Stevenage, Watford, North London, Welwyn or Bedfordshire and would like to visit the One Hatfield Hospital please click here.

Contact the Hospital About The UroLift® System